Webhook integration

Webhooks are designed to automate messages when a certain event is triggered.

Webhook for app distribution

Webhooks are automated messages that are sent from other applications to your desired application when something happens. The main target of webhooks is that information from Updraft can be sent to users without that they have to visit Updraft and the portal and dashboard all the time to check if something changed.

Updraft's Webhook integration allows you to receiving notifications when the following events take place:

  • A new build of your app has been uploaded or an update is available

  • A new feedback of your app has been received by your app testers

Updraft will send an HTTP POST payload to the configured Webhook URL. The Webhook integration can be configured under the project settings page of your specified app project.

Add a Webhook to your app project

1.Go to the project settings and select integration

2. Click on a Add Webhook button

3. Add a name for your Webhook

4. Add your Webhook URL where you would like that Updraft should send notifications. You can get the webhook URL from your integrated app (Microsoft Teams, Zapier, Zammad etc.)

5. Chose your App from which you would like to get notifications

6. Select the event triggers

7. You can enable if the new webhook integration should be active or not

8. Save and your are Done!

If now a new event happens, Updraft will send the notifications which are configured into your integrated app. For example how it could look like:

Disable a Webhook

If you would like to change your configured webhook just follow the steps:

  1. Open your App Project

  2. Go to Project Settings

  3. Click on Integration

  4. Select your active Webhook Integration by clicking on the pen

  5. Disable the Webhook by clicking on the switcher

  6. Save

Delete a Webhook

If you would like to delete your configured webhook just follow the steps:

  1. Open your App Project

  2. Go to Project Settings

  3. Click on Integration

  4. Hover over the active weebhook in the list

  5. Click on the trash icon on the right side

  6. A pop-up will appear where you need to confirm it

Example Webhook notification about new build

When a new build of your app is uploaded a webhook message will look like this:

  "attachments": [
      "actions": [
          "url": "https://getupdraft.com/getapp/7e2ff3544387477e87606969fa93e757",
          "type": "button",
          "style": "primary",
          "text": "Install"
      "fields": [
          "title": "Project",
          "short": false,
          "value": "test"
          "title": "Environment",
          "short": true,
          "value": "Test"
          "title": "OS",
          "short": true,
          "value": "iOS"
          "title": "Build version",
          "short": true,
          "value": "20200129.1142"
          "title": "Version",
          "short": true,
          "value": "1.0"
      "color": "#f6b33e",
      "fallback": "*New version of test available.*\nEnvironment: Test\nOS: iOS\nInstall: https://getupdraft.com/getapp/7e2ff3544387477e87606969fa93e757",
      "text": "A new version of your app is available."

Example Webhook notification about new received feedback or bug

The webhook message will look like this:

 "id": 23,
 "url": "",
 "id_in_org": 7,
 "image": null,
 "timestamp": "2020-08-21T12:04:20.667207Z",
 "tag": "design",
 "description": "Test feedback",
 "email": "test@appswithlove.com",
 "build_version": "1.2.1",
 "system_version": "iOS 10.0",
 "device_name": "iPhone 6",
 "device_uudid": "QWEFD123341QWE",
 "navigation_stack": "LoginViewController/OnboardingViewControlle/MainViewContoller",
 "priority": 2,
 "status": 1

Last updated