iOS Resigning
With Updraft you can resign a your iOS Builds. It allows you to change attributes in of your App which you uploaded.
The correct App selected
A build in your build history
Resign your app
To start resigning your app, go to your build history and press on the build you wish to resign.
Then, you can press on the Resign this build-Button on the appeared Dashboard.
Now you will see a form with different input fields (Optional / Required*):
Display Name: The Name of the App which the User will see on his Homescreen.
New Version Number: Change the version
New Build Number: Change the build number
Entitlements*: Here you can select the source of your Entitlements. An entitlement is a right or privilege of your iOS app. An example is the Push Notification Entitlement. To send push notifications from your app, you need to configure the entitlement so your app can has the rights to send notifications. With Updraft you have 3 options to configure entitlements:
Use the entitlements from your provisioning profile: Default, the source of your entitlements is the provisioning profile.
Combine App Entitlements: Entitlements are merged from the .ipa into the uploaded provisioning profile.
New app entitlements: Here you can upload a new entitlements.plist file to override all existing entitlements.
Distibution Certificate*: Upload your .p12 certificate with which you want to resign your app.
Certificate Password: If your Distribution Certificate is password protected, add it here. If not, leave blank
Distribution Identity Name*: To distribute an app on the App Store, you need a Apple Distribution code-signing identity. The Input should look like this:
Apple Distribution: <Team Name> (<Team ID>)
, where<Team Name>
and<Team ID>
identifies your team. You can get this e.g. from your provisioning profile.Provisioning Profile*: To resign your app, Updraft requires an app record registered with an explicit App ID. This is included in the provisioning profile.
After you filled all needed fields out, press on Resign build. After that you can see a new entry in your build history, with the Build is resigned flag on "Yes". Perfect!
Last updated