There are several possibilities to notify your team about new uploaded app versions.
On the app Overview page you are able to:
Enable notification about new app versions for project members
Enable notification about new app versions for testers and groups
The settings for the notifications are made at app level. This means that if you have several deployment environments, you can set for each deployment environment of your app whether the project members and/or the testers and group should be notified about newly available app versions.
Notifications for testers & groups
You can set for each app whether your testers and groups on your distribution list should receive an automatic notification when a new app version is uploaded to your app. If you have activated the automatic notification, all your testers and groups on the distribution list will receive an email with the possibility to download and install the last uploaded app version (build).
Notifications for project members
You can set for each app whether your project members should receive an automatic e-mail notification when a new app version is uploaded to your app. If you have activated the automatic e-mail notification, all your project members will receive an email with the possibility to download and install the last uploaded app version (build).
Last updated