Build history / app version history
Manage all uploaded builds within the build history
Build history overview desktop
As soon you have uploaded your builds to your app you will see them in the Build History.
Following Information you will see within the app version build history:
Uploading Date
Version of your build
the size of your build
the numberof Downloads of your build
the type 'how' the build was uploaded to Updraft
and you see the Release Notes
If you want to see more detail information about a build just select them by clicking on it.
Detail information of a build / app version
If you have selected your app build you see more information about it on the right context field.
We also extract the following information from the uploaded .ipa file:
The Version
The Build Version
The Bundle ID
The minimum OS-Version the app is built for
The Certificate Name
The UDIDs of your ad-hoc certified .ipa
For Android we extract the following information from the .apk file:
The Version Name
The Build Version (Version Code)
The Package Name
The minimum OS-Version the app is built for
Build history overview mobile-web-app
If a user opens the mobile-web-app of he is able to install all previously uploaded app versions.
If your app projects has more than one deployment environment your users can change them.
By clicking on the expand icon you can see further app version details and also download the selected app version.
Last updated