Microsoft Teams integration
Updraft integrates with Microsoft Teams seamlessly. Integrate Microsoft Teams and get notified about new available app versions or new received feedbacks.
Last updated
Updraft integrates with Microsoft Teams seamlessly. Integrate Microsoft Teams and get notified about new available app versions or new received feedbacks.
Last updated
With just a few steps you can integrate Microsoft Teams into your app distribution process with Updraft and be informed about the latest app versions at any time and install them directly.
Starting August 2024, Microsoft is retiring the Office 365 connectors feature from Microsoft Teams. If you have a Microsoft Teams integration configured for your project, you will have to update the Webhook URL to the new Workflow URL or create a new integration on Updraft. This Documentation is updated for Workflows
To integrate Updraft with Microsoft Teams, you need at least one channel in Teams and need to be able to create a Workflow for this Channel.
Furthermore, your Updraft Account needs to be a Project-Admin.
Press the three dots on the left Sidebar of Teams.
If you do not see the App Workflows, search it.
Then you can press on New flow and ether use the Post to a channel when a webhook request is recieved or create a flow from blank.
Lets say you decide to use the template from Microsoft
Give this flow a name and if you are connected to teams, press on next.
Select your Teams Team and Teams Channel in which you want to post a message. Press on Create a flow.
Great! Now copy the URL of the Workflow and switch to Updraft.
Select the Organization and Project. Then navigate to the Project Settings
Go to the Integration tab and add a Microsoft Teams Integration.
Add a name and the URL from the Teams Workflow.
If you want to configure the Workflow only for a specific App, select it.
Press on Save and navigate to the Builds of your Project.
On the Builds page, upload a new Build.
After a new build was uploaded, switch to Teams again and check your configured Channel.
Great, now you will get a message via Workflows every time you upload a build from Updraft.
If you do not want to have the little message that this Workflow uses a template, you will have to create a flow from blank in step 1.4.