Android Resigning
With Updraft you can resign a your Android Builds. It allows you to change attributes in of your App like the Package Name and Version Code.
The correct App version is selected
A build in your build history
Resign your app
To resign your Android app, go to your build history and press on the build you wish to resign.
Then, you can press on the Resign this build-Button on the appeared Dashboard.
Now you can see different input fields:
Package Name: Here you can change the package name. Attention: If you want to upload the .aab file to the Playstore, the package name must be the same as the one on the play store.
Version Name: This is the version that the user sees. Should but does not have to follow the
<major>.<minor>.<point> <string>
convention. The version name can be any string.Version Code: This Number is used by Android to determine the newest version. If a apk should be published, always increment the version code.
Keystores: To upload your app to the Play Store, you will need a keystore key.
.aab default key: Updraft provides a default keystore. This key you will not be able to upload a signed .aab file to the Play Store.
.aab my own signing key: To Upload a build, you need to add your own keystore in the application overview settings (Apps > Application Overview > Use AAB default key > off ).
Now press Resign build and you will see your resigned build in the build history.
Handling .aab resigning issues
When you upload an already signed .aab file, Updraft removes the existing keystore from the file and ensures the .aab file is correctly signed with the new keystore. Your .aab file will be re-signed with the keystore stored in Updraft (either the default or a custom keystore).
Error Message: "The Android App Bundle was signed with multiple certificate chains.
Last updated