Microsoft Teams integration

Updraft integrates with Microsoft Teams seamlessly. Integrate Microsoft Teams and get notified about new available app versions or new received feedbacks.

Microsoft Teams for app distribution

With just a few steps you can integrate Microsoft Teams into your app distribution process with Updraft and be informed about the latest app versions at any time and install them directly.

To integrate Updraft with Microsoft Teams, you need at least one channel in MS and you need to add the Webhook app to your channel in the App Catalog within MS first (see Step 2).

Step 1 Create a new Channel

To start you need to click on Add channel.

Give your Channel a name.

Step 2 Add incoming Webhook App to your channel

  1. Click on Apps catalogue on the bottom left sidebar

  2. Search for Webhook (Use keyword: webhook)

  3. Click on the App Incoming Webhook

  4. Click on Add to team

  5. Search for your Team and type in your preferred channel to get notifications from Updraft

  6. Click on Set up Connector

Step 3 Configure incoming Webhook

  1. Type in a name for your incoming Webhook

  2. Click on Create

Step 4 Copy the Webhook URL

As soon as you clicked on create, Microsoft Teams creates your Webhook URL. Copy it and click on Done.

Step 5 Configure your App Project in Updraft

  1. Open Updraft

  2. Open your project

  3. Open Project Settings

  4. Open the page Integrations

  5. Click on Add Webhook

Step 6 Paste your Microsoft Teams URL into the URL field

  1. Type in a name for your Webhook

  2. Paste your Microsoft Teams URL

  3. Chose your app from which you would like to get notifications in Microsoft Team

  4. Save it

Step 7 Test your Integration in Microsoft Teams

Go back to your Microsoft Teams channel and check if you get the notifications from Updraft.

Last updated

Change request #288: Added App Store Connect API Docs