App download page

App distribution download page

App download page Desktop

We are often asked what the download page looks like. It's simple, as soon as one of your users opens the installation link to your app on the desktop, he sees all the information about your app:

  • App icon

  • App title

  • App version

  • Build version

  • Environment

  • Date of Upload

  • Release Notes

Your users will have the possibility to either download the .apk, .abb or .ipa file or scan the QR-code to be redirected to the mobile app download page.

App download page mobile

All information about installing an app on your mobile phone you can find directly here.

Enterprise certificate expired

Updraft App Distribution shows an information to your users if the apple enterprise certificate has expired. They will not be able to download the app.

Minimum OS not supported

Updraft App Distribution shows an information to your users if the minimum OS of your distributed app doesn't match with the required OS from your device. They will not be able to download the app.

Last updated

Change request #288: Added App Store Connect API Docs