App Overview & App Settings

On the app overview and app settings page you can manage all your app settings.

As soon you created your first app project and added your app you will be redirected to the App Overview. Here you find all information about your Application as well you can add new apps to your project.

App title

The app title is shown when installing your application. You can adjust the title of your app within the project settings.

Edit app title

  1. Go to the project settings

  2. Select your app

  3. Click on edit

  4. Change your app title

Deployment environment

Deployment environment: in computer science it's described as a system in which a computer program is deployed and executed. Depending on the development progress of a program or an application, we made a distinction between different environments such as: Development, Build, Test, QA, Staging, Production

The name of the environment you can choose during the creation of a new app, if you want to edit your environment, you can do it within the project settings. Such environment name we use as a tag, so you can easily switch between your environments in your project by choosing the environment in the header dropdown.

Custom app icon

Updraft automatically extracts the app icons from your uploaded files and displays them to you and your app testers. You can always manually change your app icon on the app overview page, which can be very helpful for your testers, as you can customise the app icon yourself with, for example, the deployment environment. This way, your testers can always see which app they are testing. Proceed as follows:

  1. choose your app

  2. go to the app overview

  3. click on the edit icon below the app icon

  4. upload your new app icon

The requirements for the app icon are as follows: Maximum size 5 MB and file format .jpg or .png.

App key

For each created app Updraft creates an app key. The app key identifies your App in If you are using the Updraft SDK, the CURL Upload or a provided plugin, Updraft then knows exactly to display the right information at the right place.


You can easily upload your files to Updraft by using the CURL command. Copy the CURL command to the clipboard and adjust the path to the file. Everything else you find here.

Auto Update / in-app notification

If you integrated the SDK into your app you can enable the Auto Update functionality. Everytime you upload a newer app version / build your testers and end-users will be notified via in-app notification to update their current installed version. The complete documentation you can find here.


You can deactivate the download option for any app you like.

App available for download:

  • Yes - the app can be downloaded by using all installation links (E-mail, QR-Code, Public Link)

  • No - the app can't be downloaded anymore by using installation links (E-mail, QR-Code, Public Link)

Once you have deactivated your app, your users and end-users will no longer be able to download and install your app. You can always reactivate your app and your users can download it again with the same installation/ download-URL they already received previously.

Last updated

Change request #288: Added App Store Connect API Docs