Automatically clean up build binaries

This feature is only available in Enterprise Plan.

You know how it is, your disk space is getting tight, every build and all binaries are filed and saved - no problem Updraft helps you with that.

Activate and deactivate auto-delete

By default, the clean option is disabled. You can easily enable it in the project settings. There are two ways how you can optimize the storage of your builds: With a timestamp of 30, 60 or 90 days or over the total number of builds you want to save.

Delete builds and binaries by time

You can make this setting in the project settings and have the app binaries automatically deleted after a certain number of days.

You can make the following settings:

  • 30 days

  • 60 days

  • 90 days

Updraft System tracks the exact date and timestamp of each uploaded binary (created at). Once the set days for deleting is reached, the binary will be deleted.

If a binary was changed using the Exchange File functionality, the exact timestamp is also registered here.

Delete builds and binaries by number

You can make this setting in the project settings and have the app binaries automatically deleted after a certain number of binaries is reached per app environment.

The oldest build gets automatically deleted when a build is uploaded and the count exceeds the chosen max number of available builds.


Set the max number "10". Then 10 builds are getting uploaded for this app / environment-> nothing gets deleted. Then a developer adds a new build "Number 11" -> the first uploaded build "Number 1" gets deleted within this app. Now available are build number 2-11.

Last updated

Change request #288: Added App Store Connect API Docs