Plan & Billing

Plan & Billing

Here you can adjust your billing information or change your plan. At the same time, you have an overview about some usage statistics of your organization and the invoice history.

Usage Statistics

All data at one place. Here you can see all the statistical data of your organization.

Upgrade Price Plan

If you would like to upgrade your plan just click on the Upgrade button and you will be guided through the steps to add your creditcard. Everything about the pricing you can find on the Pricing Page as well in the FAQs.

Invoice History

At the end of each month we will charge your creditcard and send you an invoice to the Owners Account e-mail adress. At the same time you find an Overview about all Invoices within your Account. Just scroll down a bit.

Downgrade Price Plan

You can downgrade your Pay-As-You-Go plan at any time.

If you want to switch from a Pay As You Go plan to a Free plan, you must meet the Free plan limit. We will also let you know what changes you need to make before you can switch it to the free plan (you need to delete app versions and projects).

To change the Price Plan, follow the steps below:

  • Open your account as Owner

  • Switch to your profile

  • Click on Change Plan

  • Select the Free Plan

  • Click on Downgrade

At the time of downgrade, the exact time will be registered and the storage space will be charged as well as the basic fee for the current month. The downgrade takes place immediately and cannot be reversed after Confirmation (The downgrade takes place immediately after Confirmation).

Last updated

Change request #288: Added App Store Connect API Docs