General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)

Updraft complies with the requirements of the GDPR regulations.

The full privacy policy can be read here:

Delete account

Users have the option to remove or delete information they have uploaded to our product. Users can delete their account by logging into Updraft and going to User Profile & Account Settings to delete it. All data will then be deleted.

An account owner must confirm the deletion of the account with the password. Open amounts in the Paid Plan will be debited after the deletion has been carried out.

Data request

You can request the data Updraft collects about your account at any time. To do this, log in with your account and carry out the GDPR request in the account settings. If this is successful and we have stored data about your account, you will receive an email from us with the data.

Transfer data to another provider?

You can transfer the data you have uploaded from Updraft to another provider at any time. To do this, you must manually download the uploaded app files.

To download individual app files follow the next steps:

  1. Go to your Applications from the left side menu or from the Dashboard

  2. Click on your application

  3. Select the build you would like to download

  4. Download it.

Your IPA or APK will start downloading immediately and you’ll be able to store it.

Last updated

#288: Added App Store Connect API Docs

Change request updated