Account Settings

Account Overview

Here you can edit all your account details. All account settings are only manageable by the Owner of the account.

  • Change Organization Name: You can adjust your organization name

  • Change Subdomain: You can simply edit your subdomain

  • Change Organization Icon: You can upload a new organization icon

  • Enforce 2FA for all users of your Organization

  • Enable Custom SMTP (Enterprise Plan)

  • Enable Custom Storage (Enterprise Plan)

  • DANGER ZONE: You can delete your Account by clicking on the button. You need to confirm your the deletion of the account with your password

Custom SMTP

Use your own SMTP server - this feature is available within the enterprise plan only.

By default, takes care of your email delivery. However, you can send mail through your own SMTP server if you’d rather use your own service.

To set it up:

  1. Go to your Account Settings

  2. Enable Custom SMTP

  3. Provide a From E-Mail

  4. Provide a Reply-To E-Mail

  5. Add the SMTP Host and the Port

  6. Add the authentication

  7. Enable SSL/TLS

As soon you have added all configs you can send a test mail to check if the the added SMTP service works.

Last updated

Change request #288: Added App Store Connect API Docs