Testers & Groups

With Updraft you can easily manage your app testers and your distribution groups.

All your testers and groups you add to your app project do not have to register first


You can manage all your testers on the Tester & Groups page within the Distribution page of your App project.

On the Tester & Groups page you can:

  • Add new testers with their e-mail adress

  • Import Testers from a .csv file

Add new testers

  1. Open your App

  2. Go to the Distribution Page

  3. Click on Tester & Groups

  4. Select the Tester tab

  5. Type in your Tester e-mail address

  6. Click on enter

Your testers e-mail address is now successfully added to your testers distribution list.

Import testers with .csv file

You can easily add a bunch of testers with the help of a .csv file.

The .csv file must contain the tester's email address only.

Example of a .csv file


All added Testers are automatically added to your distribution list of your app project.

Remove a Tester

If you would like to remove a tester from your distribution list:

  1. Open your App

  2. Go to the Distribution Page

  3. Click on Tester & Groups

  4. Click on the 3 dots next to the tester e-mail address you would like to delete

  5. Click on delete

Your Tester e-mail address is no deleted.

App distribution groups

You can manage all your distribution groups on the Tester & Groups tab within the Distribution page of your app project.

A distribution group is a set of different testers and all of them will have access to install a distributed release. An example of a distribution group can be a team of users like Projectmanager, Marketing, QA-Team or external testers.

Creating a distribution group

  1. To create your first distribution group go to the Tester & Groups page

  2. Click on Add Group

  3. Give a Name to your Group and click Save

  4. Add your testers to the group by typing in their e-mail adress and click enter

All added Testers within your Group are automatically added to your distribution list of your app project.

Remove a distribution group

  1. Open your App

  2. Go to the Distribution Page

  3. Click on Tester & Groups

  4. Click on your Group

  5. Click on the 3 dots next to the group name you would like to delete

  6. Click on delete

Distribution List

All your Testers & Groups are added to the distribution list on the Distribution Page Overview.

Last updated

Change request #288: Added App Store Connect API Docs