Android FAQ

What is an APK?

An APK (Android Application Package) is an file format created for Android mobile operating system only. The APK is a collection of various files packed into one file for distribution. Often an APK file contains of source code, videos, 3rd party integration, assets and so on. Apps downloaded directly from Google Play are automatically installed on your device, Apps which are not distributed via Google Play needs to be installed manually after downloading.

What is the Android package name?

Android apps using package name as an unique identification. In some cases, package name is a synonym for Application ID. There are some differences between the package name and the application ID, for most of non-developers it is the same. By default your project's package name matches the Android application ID. If you want to change your package name, the package name (as defined by your project structure) should always match the package attribute within your AndroidManifest.xml file. Updraft extracts the package name of your uploaded .apk file out of the AndroidManifest.xml and display it within the build history.

If you are changing the package name during your development process and you try to upload an APK with a different package name to an existing app, Updraft will show you an error message.

What is the Android Version Code?

Versioning is a very important part of your app upgrade and maintenance strategy.

versionCode — is a positive integer used as an internal version number. The versionCode not the version number shown to your users. Updraft extracts the versionCode of your uploaded .apk file out of the AndroidManifest.xml and display it within the build history called Build Version.

What is the Android Version Name?

versionName — is a string used as the version number shown to users. The versionName is only used to show the current Version to your users.

Updraft extracts the versionName of your uploaded .apk file out of the AndroidManifest.xml and display it within the build history called Version.

Android Version Name and Suffix?

If you are working with different Environments and build types it helps if you set such stages of development within your versionName. You can include in your versionName a suffix (TEST, STAGING, PRODUCTION) to separate your builds and to avoid testing on wrong development environment. In this case the Version within the build history on Updraft will look something like 1.8.1-DEV-380 or 1.3.44-DEV for example.

Am I required to use the Updraft Open Source SDK?

To use the main functionalities of Updraft you don't need to implement the Updraft Open Source SDK. You can upload builds and distribute them to your testers and colleagues within your organization. If you want to collect Feedback or Bugs or if you want to use the functionality Autoupdate then you need to implement the SDK.

Last updated

#288: Added App Store Connect API Docs

Change request updated